The smile on the lips of the fool Unfathomable pleasure Gaze, glazed Lost in rhyme The wandering kind Forgotten
all he left behind All he knew, searching blind Lost as me without you A victim of geography In dark recesses
hidden Forbidden Words unspoken (bonds unbroken) He would if he could He doesn’t know them Searching
the streets The lantern-lit home of the misfits Under the stars; subway cars Dive bars; battle scars Wet, wetter
out in the rain Face strained, feeling the pain Misshapen ginger-bread man in the bakers' window Lost, forlorn Still
that same smile Running wild Free like the great river Air smells of Autumn Listening to the leaves, laughing In
the wind Fallen, not forgotten Illuminated by the artists Immortalised by the poets Decorated with footprints What
was a carpet of stunning gold Now a masterpiece of the dead and old Conquering the seasons Trying to stay one step
ahead of Winter Collecting his daylight savings Squandered on a misspent youth Wasted Time What does he have to
show? A head full of poisoned memories A heart full of empty promises A soul full of shattered dreams Not all
his own Crystal sun streaks through the trees Reflected from raindrops Diamond leaves, dying Blind man in the
alley, sighing Staggering Dagger in Hand Resting in the humming streetlight Seeing clear to what will be When
the shadows touch the sky Harvest time is here again Raking in the crops Brings in the dollar and the dough Old
boll weevil smiles Great show! What does he know? One good year One false smile One good picking Truth
is out of style Courtesy a stranger Between the bridges of our worlds You met them there Where They blew you
mind Passed by King’s Park Three white arrows One straight One true One yours And it struck Stuck Held
me up against the fence A blistering backdrop of Tomorrow A ‘For Sale’ sign on yesterday Good for
a cheap present For the slackers and backtrackers The dismal, the deluded Not for you You concluded I just
nodded The fool laughed Uproarious The sun split the clouds and we kissed Glorious New rays A birth of light In
the stutter of creation I lost my balance You saw what was coming We knew nothing The fractured night Wounded
animal Scolded child Limps wearily across the horizon Our friend watched Two eyes; hundred watt bulbs Lighting
the sky, then out Like a flash Sixty yard dash Spark out Dreams of places, spaces and faces Scenarios and other
cases This world in another time, or This time in another world? Held in a trance Numbing silence Powdered
peaks of snowy mountains Simplistic beauty Great white wonders Perfect palette for the prodigious painter Of words With
words Of limited experience however Step out of your goldfish bowl You haven’t lived Kid Do it Do
it now! No one understands? Everyone understands! You’re not alone They’ve all been there, done that (Look
at her new t-shirt) Too many times to mention Cut the tension Lack of sense and Timing, to perfection One way
ticket to wherever Get on the plane Take the train It’s now or never You’re not so clever Hiding
the pain Go far across the mountains Or the sea Drink from the fountain Know what it is to be free Ah, freedom! Magnificent
state of just being You are now here Stranger to nowhere Looking across the vista I knew somewhere I’d missed
her Once told me Everything has a purpose The purpose of a question, then? To be asked or answered? Neither,
by men What you don’t know You don’t need to know Questions raise doubt Too many about I should’ve
listened Now I find I’m so far behind Her Transfiguration of the vision Inauguration of the dream Took
the ocean in your hand Guided me Safely to land On the golden shore I stand Wander in wonder Begin to ponder What
treasures I could plunder Innumerable questions surround What becomes of friends lost? Where could they be found? What
would be the cost Insurmountable answers abound Reaching up into tomorrows sky I pluck a star; gone too far The
reason why? Her Music in the air Clouds forming a conga-line Rain keeps the time Vibrations getting stronger;
sign? Meteorological rhapsody Mother Nature in all her glory Doesn’t tell the whole story No one ever does Love
might make the world go round But secrets keep us Tied to the ground Afraid to gamble With the act of sharing Bound
to lose, bruised Abused all caring Stop your staring She knows I won’t talk Not that daring The dawning
of the day A new sun risen Eastern promise Broken Flower wilted Growth stilted Days of meaningless recollections Of
sin Of hope Of days already been And gone Never again to come I guess I can still dream I hope I can still
dream Refuge from the cold Shoulder Shudder Still raising a smile As night caresses day That unforgettable
moment When I could only pray One day I’d come home and see her there Stand in her stare I’m much
too scared To her I surrender Her The great pretender Across the sea I sent her Everything I am Returned
to sender Addressee unknown Must be something I’ve done I know she’s home Where angels roam I wasn’t
welcome Did you ever feel The texture of the night? Or experience the touch Tender touch of a cloud Lost In
a soft Embrace Surrounded, safe A friendly face To see you arrive To greet you with a smile Make the leaving
worthwhile As you return From across the miles On the benches The faceless judges sit Pass comment on your
trials And spit Out their words Venomous snakes hunting Defenceless birds Voices build to an invisible crescendo Silence
in the gallery State your case Punishment face Journey halted Senses assaulted Seeing, hearing, feeling Her One
touch To take her hand Fingertips on her face Through my mind memories race Cannot be displaced Skydiver in
freefall Feel the rush He wasn’t pushed Parachute to guide him Ground crew to find him I have nothing But
strangers To confide in Some go through life Fulfilling hopes Their own and other’s Then comparing notes Why? This
is all a game A shame A sham A scam Made by man Since first he came I don’t really believe that Of
the wonders that surround I once wrote so profound Nothing but lies False alibis I knew it And threw it To
the wind I watched As the pages turned I could smell Each word burned The pages fell White as ghosts By
the words I am haunted Continue undaunted Go with the flow Follow the tide Take life in my stride Tightrope
ride Don’t show you pride Cast aside Nowhere to hide Passing time in childish rhyme Candle on the night-stand Breeze
through the window Curtain billows Flame dances Outside, the trees (willows) Resisting icy advances Dense forest
clustered Refuge for the scoundrel The outspoken Closely guarded No place for the broken Hearted A bullet
with my name on it Trouble down on the corner Writing on the wall Could’ve got here sooner Watched them
take the fall A hand, help That was all Instead you stop Stall Silence is mocking Ignorance, bliss? Now
wonder you’re so happy The magic armies are converging Expression and Doubt I know whose side I’m on Neither Indecision
my weakness Fighting the tides Waves crashing Eroding, smashing Cashing In Original sin Daylight choking Dust
of cobweb clouds Smoke rising The nights are getting longer Stars shining stronger Illuminating new-born galaxies Life
in he split-second of infinity Rises fast leaving it’s mark Then fades Into the echoes of eternity With
each passing Flashing demise A new wonder intrudes The intimacy of my mind Exploring the danger Love to the
stranger Comfort in the eyes of The child in the manger Time is just a word And the word is Now A moment
of truth Descended from youth An aging transcript Intricately bound with Strings of experience My pages are
loose Ground to make No time to waste No time to kill Come what will Choice to face Treacherous Angel spies (Diamond
eyes Of metallic skies) In the stillness Simmering night I can only dream In black and white A feeling
of helplessness I can’t explain Lost in the crowd Though feeling no pain There’s someone watching
over me My luck has changed Where emptiness reigned Events now pre-arranged Littered with charlatan truths Pitiful Little
white Lies Masquerade in honest disguise Deceives my eyes Relives me my highs Resting In peaceful slumber Forgotten
space House with no number Perfect place Mind to plunder Rafts of memories Escape On rivers of tears Lost
the loves Kept the fears No more soaring Heavens above Motionless Clipped wings of the dove Grounded No
more she sings Sweet refrain I’ll just have to dance Dance to the music Up to you how you use it Fuse
it Lose it! Close your eyes An eruption of nature Engulfs your soul Reach out Touch it Feel it inside Beauty
indescribable Vision undeniable Memories reconcilable Blanket or warmth Too excited to hold a thought Lying
myself happy Confusion marches Through frustration arches Manipulation No substitute for direction Those words
resound Nobody around Your money or your life Neither is worth a dime I forfeited That little lost angel In
a game of chance Happens in a flash The memory lasts Forever One request Wings For the flightless bird The
moment we met Remembrance clear as day I never wanted it To end this way To have lasted forever I would have
nailed the night To the sky Using the stars That were shining in your eyes And the hammer, pounding In my heart Beating Repeating Then
retreating My eyes are bursting Feels like burning The morning sun cuts Through half-drawn curtains Transcendent Transparent Dependent Apparent The
answers are in The songs we sing The bells that ring In everything To all you head-turners Tyre-burners Eyeball-spinners
and hum-dingers Watch out when the North Star is peaking You won’t find it in your attention seeking There
are no strings Attached To the simple Blissful things Ten thousand people waiting in line To leave their rose On
the memorial shrine Fame and fortune guaranteed him this luxury What about the girl next door? She didn’t even
look for it Just because he was famous Doesn’t mean you should ignore the lies Your sentiment’s so false It
rips the tears from my eyes Touched by a dead-man’s hand Heavy Around the shoulder Like a frosty wind Colder Than
a mid-winter’s night You turn To find No one behind It’s a sign A reminder Time is slipping
away Not long to find her Stuck in this game Never Ending charade Left counting the cost The price I’ve
paid Denial of existence Stranded in the distance Sitting in silence At her insistence Vague words cluster Unoriginal Yet
randomly owning them Unconscious meaning appears Rhythmic pandemonium Recollection of the days Ah, the good old
days Inspired schemes Impossible dreams Ruthless smiles Youthful trials Tribulations Heroic adulation The
man on the silver screen We didn’t care What had already been Now I follow Footprints In the snow Leading To
her door Vultures are circling Swooping and soaring Haunting Free Eyes fixed cold Intently, on me Cackles
and howls Above Mocking my love Derision Nerves risen In preparation of The wondrous vision Her There’s
a barrier between But no middle Ground Must we be forever Bound By love or hate? I care too much To wait In
apathy or indifference In lifelessness or Ignorance The moon crowns the sky Like the rubber tip of a pencil In
the artists hand The dark clouds pass by On the canvas forming a stencil A base for the pure-white jet-stream to
stand Winters coming Trees bare their souls Like me Like mine Like ours Everyone lays awake in the Midnight