Wasting time Staring over the edge of the world Composing Fumbling These untitled and never ending
Midnight Ramblings Shooting stars rise Erupting In endless skies Eternal Cascades Highlighting shades Of
tomorrow A sneak preview Final run-through Before dark becomes light Day Breaks The shackles of night The
present On the brink of Destruction The past Destined for extinction At the hands Of an all-consuming Future Standing
in awe Wonder and amazement The line Of time Moves across the sky All encompassing Spirit transcending A
wide berth From this immoral earth Passes right on by We're not ready Too unsteady Unstable Not yet able To
live in harmony Ongoing dismissals Constant remittals Sacrificing the now Willing to beg, steal or borrow For
a flashing chance Of a material tomorrow Always ends in sorrow Carries the baggage Of a savage Blow Knocks
you down Drags you around No grace In greed To be found Living for today Not dwelling On the past The
threshold of your last Lifetime Many an idle moment Spent Under the shady tree Lover's Lament Reminisce The
prophesies How many came true? Which ones missed The mark? Now to be found Bound For the dark surrounds Yesteryear I
still see you Even though You're not here Always used to be there When I needed to share A tear A tale Now
left spitting Sour taste of betrayal Offered you my heart Took it and kept it In your buttoned-down top pocket I
asked for yours But you locked it Away In a box to stay The years slide away No closer to finding The correct
combinations I miss the beauty Reflected Constellations In those starry eyes I need to revise My stance Devise A
masterplan To reclaim what once was mine Before the demise The one-sided compromise Where you drew the line Losing
my balance The world spins on it's axis Painfully clear I need a little more practice The legacy she left The
compounded legend Impounded dreams Nerves deadened The dead end Where I hit the wall One consolation Not
far to fall Fail On my last go round The end of the trail The tale Ends Random hearts beating In tandem
defeating Competing urges Emerging Surging intensity Fuels the inclination Daring flirtation Overcoming
a flaking propensity Confined notions Entwined In converging emotions A generous donation The promise of salvation The
richness of the resin From the black cypress pine One day Will be mine Until that time Swing from the vine Awaiting
the sign The changing seasons Never resting on laurels Nor Preaching immoral Waiting for the one Who gives
me a reason To breathe To live To love To give You Do you fear the day You meet your maker? The dictator,
the narrator Instigator of this play No need to worry So long as you're sorry The slate Will be wiped clean
away But I don't want to wait Until that day The day I die I need my Record erased A chance to replay To
right the wrong Correct the mistakes A mural of inspiration The irregular librations Of thoughts Running through
my mind Lost inside Countless distractions Neural abstractions Which, contrary to fact Are not created By
mental act Subtraction From the onset of reality Interactions Physical, subliminal A brush with duality Submerged In
the written word Late-night notations Literary innovations A glance, a look Through your favourite books Searching
for clues Hints and tips Compiling a list In my little notebook It reads like a rhyme Up till the time We
spend together ends Forever unfinished As yet undiminished By the objections of fair-weather friends Dark rooms
of my mind Furnished with doubt Repeating eerie incantations Numerous experimentations Quenched a thirst Come
through the worst A well-timed rejuvenation Holding the fort A courageous defence Continue to thwart The advance
of pretense She always sold me short Spoke of the discord In the imperfect tense Visions of her now penetrate
the ether Should I take a back seat Or continue to seek her? A defining moment Aligned with truth Outgrown
and stepped forth from Shadows of youth Left behind immaturity Hand-picked by obscurity Another lone traveller On
the road to security Unmarked Unposted You made it you boasted Though with the help of your friends Whose names
you wouldn't share I came to the conclusion That you were already Halfway there I wonder would she Be so kind To
let me leave Yesterday behind I don't need the memory Burning any longer What use The abuse If it doesn't
make us stronger? My dreams Are screened To make sure they're acceptable Simple task No questions asked To
you I'm too Susceptible The smoke now cleared From the shattered face Of the broken mirror I see her in
every Direction Reflected, refracted In my self-imposed State of detention Waiting for her To re-mark my Corrections She
is to my heart What Apollo is to the arts The centrepiece The main attraction Ever-present Regardless of distraction Wild
voices Reverberating echoes Of a secret audience Paid the price Want to know See the sights Watch the show Prepared For
any circumstance A stolen dream Of a chance meeting Unforgettable greeting A theme Replaying the scene A
fractured memory Where I met my enemy Highlighted the confusion Kept in seclusion Buried An unsolvable mystery An
all-seeing eye Though No God in the sky Manipulative Author of history Does she remember last Valentine's
Day? An attempt to restore That which existed before Arrived unannounced Whisked her away Through the streets
till dawn We talked We danced Gay Paree To me Is now more Than the capital Of France The look in her
eyes Not one of surprise Askance Askew Saw through My disguise To escape Reshape This sorrowful aberration Takes
more than romantic Improvisation If I am To win her favour Must be more direct Not make her suspect Nor
advertise the fact That I crave her A picture In a gallery of conquests Third from the left One more Of
your 'innocent' contests In this world Of overflowing curiosity Doubts arrive Lightning velocity Truths contrive Stinging
ferocity An expression of love Belittled as A digression from reality Taken With a pinch of salt An assault
on Normality Suffering The effects of neutrality A definite correlation No mere observation Found the recipe
for Success This spark of illumination Cause for celebration I observed in quiet Acquiesce A caress A
touch Is it asking too much? A new location Soul-migration To rid myself of this Invariable, pliable Undeniable
crutch Everywhere we look Not always the most obvious Criminals and crooks Setting an example Innocent Death-row
suspect Means to financing Enhancing Their chances (What else would you expect?) Dubious Devious Leader-elect A
single instance Of this world full of scorn Battles won Battles lost Now I don't even mourn Death Were
desensitised War is Romanticized Decked out in the trimmings of Peace For all of the parades Against guns
and grenades And though their Objections Won't cease At least they won't cower Nor give in to the power Oppose
the schemes of The elite Thousand pound suits and Executive suites They can have their riches I'll stick with My
rags I don't want that money Unmarked bags What good Would It be No one to share it Give me love Before
money Just can't compare it For too long a time I neglected My calling Always finding excuses Reasons For
stalling There was a time Not long ago I thought I was over her Now faced with Tasting An emotional Transfer I
set out in haste To the place Where I left her Where I lost her To another An unnatural disaster Once more I'll
be riding The crest Of a wave Though before Deciding I promised I won't misbehave Refuted the allegations Disputed
the regulations No use in Standardizing emotion Generated a feeling Dedicated to healing Prolonging The
harmonic motion Where the ocean Meets the sky Blue shades of wonder Where again You and I Will be one Amidst
the rolling Thunder The perfect Connection Of two wandering souls No point in lying No use denying We
both know We're two halves Of a whole One and the same But you still Play your game Of deceit Don't want
to compete Beating A retreat The burning furnace Overheating If I give up now I'd be hard-pressed To
find you I'd rather not have to Second-guess All the answers To the clues you left You knew I would find
them Strategically placed The solution will condemn Me A future uncertain I never know What I'll see When
I open The curtain Everyday a different room For the silence To reside in Four more Dark corners For
me to hide in She is the power She holds the keys She can tease me She can please me The Queen of the realm Where Fantasy
frees me A mental state We all can relate To debate Create Even conjugate My heart takes flight Everytime She
recites Those words They send me into Rapturous delight An invitation to Heaven To feast On at least One
of the seven Deadly sins To counter the Unbalance To pull me from the Dirt you Introduced me to All seven Of
the Heavenly Virtues Yours is the light Shining so bright Burning Till the end of the Night Through to
the morning An RSVP To a new day Dawning Without you It's not worth it A state of mourning Taken As
a warning I'm alone But I won't Admit it Commit myself Submit myself Your game Now I'm willing To
play it I feel A sense of duty To share Your incomparable Beauty But mere words Always fail To convey
it Gun in hand I'll place my bet Fatal game of Russian roulette A six in one chance Winner takes all You
are the prize Since I'm no good at goodbyes I guess I'll have to answer The call Spin of the chamber A lesson
in starkness Click of the trigger My world In darkness I think my chance Has passed It's date of expiration My
time is up I've lost My sole inspiration You