I Wonder If You Always Tell The Truth

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Until These Words I Write Infuse With Truth

Until these words I write infuse with truth

Then shall remain their utterance taboo,

Except in voices prone to language foul,

To lie unmarried in the folds of sound.

By no more than these words will I be bound,

With manacle of consonant and vowel,

In the asylum of love’s stringent rule

Until these words I write infuse with truth.


In such a reservoir of rhyme I drown

Those prostitutes of metaphor I found;

Fragments of a sight that blinds the eye,

Whose nomenclature’s commonly defined

And loudly mourns the heart though not the mind;

Whose ageless character still shadows mine.

Under which strict observance it is found,

In such a reservoir of rhyme I drown.


Though from this brutal grasp may I escape,

To stand again, duality to face.

My second self, whose knowledge spans all days,

Has seen my words before they strike page;

Her memory a ruin before it fades,

Contains all sentiment usurpers trade,

And by their curses devils incantate,

Though from this brutal grasp may I escape.


The farther through the rain I root to meet

The last location of our household dreams,

More distant from the window are the drops

Of memory that fall upon the throng

Of circumstances neither right nor wrong,

And whose recurring scene shall never stop

Unless by force of will, or so it seems,

The farther through the rain I root to meet


The free intrinsic beauty of your words

To strike the subject deeper than its nerve

And render calm the violence of the thought

That minus this command would it be lost;

The price to pay would be too high a cost

Though for such tender could the world be bought.

Instead I wait and hope I still deserve

The free intrinsic beauty of your words.