I Wonder If You Always Tell The Truth

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The strength to be found
In the strangers' touch
The calming stride
It's influence is such
The whispering secrets
The confidence they provide
Passes beneath the embrace of pride
But the trusts I've divulged
Now bear no resemblance
Too often I've indulged
In the sin of remembrance
Emotions that lingered, limber
Now fading into
Pass with unerring fluidity
For what is to come I am braced
In the icy wrath of winter
Or the warm caress of summer
Face to face with my mentor
Teacher, Father and Mother
Ripples in the ocean of time
The water in perfect blueness endowed
Previously unbreaching in the bitter sky
A grey river of angry cloud
The golden spray
Weeping from the sun
The towering Heavens
Lighted as one